School Uniform

At Lingdale Primary, we are very proud to wear our school uniform as it makes us part of the Lingdale family.
It makes us look the same so we are all equal. The school colour is blue. In Little Explorers (two year provision) and Nursery uniform is optional.
Main Uniform
In Reception to Year 6 we expect…
Normal School Uniform
· all children to wear black school shoes/trainers
· in winter, children to wear a blue jumper (with or without school logo) or cardigan, black/grey skirt, black/grey pinafore or black/grey school trousers, with white/blue polo shirt or shirt.
· in summer, children can choose to wear a blue gingham dress, or black/grey short trousers.
. Please note – No false or painted nails – long nails can be dangerous: Long false nails can get caught on doors and corridors, causing pain and injury. They can also be a hazard in PE or sports activities.
.No hair dye during term time – we want our children to look smart
We expect… ‘PE Day’ Uniform
· School jumper (they take this off for PE)
· Plain or school logo light blue polo (pe top)
· Plain black/navy PE shorts or tracksuit bottoms (no stripes or other colours please)
· Trainers (as plain as you can – no luminous colours). Black is ideal. Earrings MUST be removed.
All children receive a free school book bag upon joining Lingdale Primary School. Additional book bags can be purchased from the school office. Please do not send children with other school bags (other than swimming days or for after school clubs) – we simply do not have the space to store them!
We have a company to supply our uniform (Lollipops).
The link is to order uniform is
We keep a small stock of school uniform in school. Please contact Mrs Bates in the school office for further information. We also have a uniform box in school, where families can collect pre-loved uniform items free of charge. We also support Hope Church East Cleveland where you can purchase pre-loved uniform items.