Community Cohesion
Here at Lingdale Primary School, we pride ourselves on the relationship we have with the community. We regularly engage with the parents of the children; giving them opportunities to participate alongside their children in learning activities inside and outside of school.
We have continued to follow this ethos throughout lockdown by working closely with the Middlesbrough Football Club Foundation; providing all of our families with food hampers every fortnight. Not only are they provided with a hamper, they are presented by superheros and characters from films.
Art Day
English Day
D.T. Day
We also pride ourselves on helping to make our village the best it can be. We go on regular litter picks, plant bulbs and remember those who sacrificed their lives in the wars by decorating the cenotaph with our hand- made poppies. Families always help with this and Head Boy and Girl attend the Remembrance Day services- laying the school wreath with pride.

Parents have missed coming into school for our Family Days so we have used remote learning to engage with them and sent them videos of significant events as well as posting them on the school’s Facebook page. We are hoping to hold a Christmas Bingo event to welcome them back into school.