EYFS Spring Term
The Three Little Pigs
The children have been learning the story ‘Three Little Pigs’. We have explored building houses using different materials, creating wanted posters for the Big Bad Wolf, painting characters from the story, making paper plate wolves/pigs and retelling the story.

Chinese New Year
The children have been learning about Chinese New Year. As part of their learning, they took part in a Chinese dragon dance, tasted Chinese food, made ‘Happy New Year’ cards, explore a Chinese take away role play area and made Chinese decorations.

The children have been learning about winter and comparing winter with autumn. They have investigated ice, made winter scenes, used different techniques to create snow, told stories in the winter tray, sorted animals that live in hot and cold places

The life cycle of a hen
Reception started off Spring 2 with a bang! We have been learning about the life cycle of a hen by having our very own eggs to take care of and we watched as chicks hatched out. We took good care of them by keeping them warm in the incubator, cleaning them out daily as well as giving them food and water. We then went on a ‘Wellie Walk’ to the allotments to see our chicks in their new ‘forever home’- they looked very happy there!

Outdoor learning
Reception used our ‘Mud kitchen’ to explore colouring mixing and capacity.

Understanding the World
Reception have been learning about plants, we have planted sunflowers seeds and watched them grow taller and taller! We take care of them everyday by watering them.

Wellie Walks
Reception have thoroughly enjoyed getting outdoors on our ‘Wellie Walks’. We have looked at the names of the streets that are in our local area, explored the different shops our village has to offer and spoke to a butcher, a shop keeper and a pharmacist. We then visited our local village hall where we learnt about the history of our village over the years.

Lingdale Primary Presents…
We have thoroughly enjoyed performing on our brand new outdoor stage- just look at our dancing and singing pirates!